Wasting time in search of Siberia


The last post was long and self-obsessed. This post will also be self-obsessed (well, what are diaries for?), but not to such a great degree as the last one. I'm glad we cleared that up.

"Two posts in one day!??" I hear you cry. Well...I wrote that last one yesterday and I'm now in need of a new one to get all of the brain vomit out before it dries and goes crusty in there. Oh yes.


I'm currently sat in the library at uni, attempting to eat a ham and dairylea sandwich without being spotted. We're not supposed to eat in the library. I'm so naughty...I have also reverted to the mindset of a fourteen year old. This educational environment malarkey does wonders for the mental maturity levels.

I've been here since BLOODY 9AM today...it's now 4pm and I'm still here. Why? Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It's not because I'm hugely devoted and academic. No. It's because it's cold outside and my coat doesn't do up, so I'd rather spend (*counts on fingers*) nine hours here and wait for Alex to pick me up at six than walk for half an hour. It's either very lazy or very sensible, I'm not quite sure which. If you're planning on judging, though, please take into consideration the mad cold weather we've recently taken delivery of from Siberia*.

* I used to think Siberia was a made up place. I'm now, writing this, not entirely confident that it is a real place. My self-doubt knows no bounds. Ah, it is a place. Look.

Ah damn. So much for my clandestine sandwich consumption - I just smeared dairylea across my face. I'd never succeed as a secret agent.


Did she get the job? Did she not get the job? Well? I can't take this much more.

Lou had an interview yesterday and she was supposed to find out if she was successful at some point today. My phone battery has died so I can only communicate by email**...AND SHE HAS NOT TOLD ME YET. We've been chatting via email all day and she hasn't mentioned anything, so I'm guessing that she hasn't heard...but still. She has now left work for the day and I can't have any further communication until she gets home and emails again (using her shiny new broadband connection no less - she is VERY excited by this) or until I get home and plug my phone in and call her.

I don't handle suspense well. I'll be very suprised if I don't get a rash by about 6.

** Emails. Every time I have written 'email' today I have thought 'snail'. I particularly enjoyed writing "I'll have to go, I've got to send an email to my group." It's incredibly amusing when you read that as "I'll have to go, I've got to send a snail to my group." Or when you think you've typed "I'll send you a snail later." It's just not the same as recieving cards or flowers or balloons...although if you're a bird I'd guess you'd be quite pleased to receive a snail.

I think I may have been here for too long.


Heather spent all day yesterday with her bum stuck firmly up into my ribs. The only time she moved was when we were in the car and Alex accelerated sharply...she put her bum in for about three seconds (during which time I made orgasm/relief noises) then stuck it back out with renewed vigour. You wouldn't think something so small could cause so much discomfort.

She also keeps doing the 'sticking her feet out very far and leaving them there' thing, which is very cute but also weirds me out. There's something very odd about having a little hard lump sticking out of the side of you and knowing that it's a very small foot. And the physical feeling...well, if you can imagine the toe-curling sensation of chewing tin-foil. Or the more simple example of fingernails down a blackboard. Focus in on the 'toe-curling' part of the experience and that's the reaction I have to being jabbed in the insides. I like it, don't get me wrong, but it really feels JUST DAMNED ODD.


It's only 4.30, it's far too quiet in here and I'm starting to get sleepy. You'd never believe the soporific effect of lots of people typing in silence. "Clackity clackity clackity SNORE". Oh yes.


Do you ever get the urge to just do something totally disruptive and weird, just to see how people would react? I often find myself subject to obscure desires, though as yet I've never given in. I might do one day. Examples of the desires! That's what you need:

-- Right now I want to get up onto the desk, stand in the middle of the computer cluster and do a wiggly-bum dance.
-- Climbing into the passenger seat of a strangers parked car (with aforementioned stranger still inside), putting on the seatbelt and just sitting there.
-- Slowly, carefully and deliberately putting my finger up the noses of people who try to share my personal space.
-- Right now (again): pulling random books off the shelves and throwing them onto the floor

Do you know what else? I don't think my conscience will allow me to spend any more time over this diary entry, seeing as I have already wittered away a good two hours (not just on this - on lots of crap) doing pretty much nothing at all. This is time that could have been put to better use working on my degree. What's wrong with me? I really am behaving like a child today.


Tatty bye byes and all that.

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give Kate-Lee more *HUGS*Get hugs of your own

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