That rabbit's nothing - have a look at this!


No. Not in a 'cruelty to animals' sense. Don't be calling the RSPCA on me just yet - just give me chance to explain.


My ex (who I haven't heard from in almost a year) sent me a text today. It contained a picture of a rabbit and said "This is Bill, our house rabbit". That was all. Now, this is odd to start off with - I haven't spoken to the bloke in ages, why in Gods name did he think an appropriate greeting would be to send me a photograph of his rabbit? Was I really with this guy for three and a half years? Did I really choose to live with someone who would get back in touch with someone via a rabbit picture? I don't know who comes off worse here - him or me. But anyway. How much fun did I have sending back "Bill looks very cool. If we're doing 'news by picture message' I've got a great one for you - this is Heather, she's due on May 12th."

Tee hee hee. His rabbit didn't seem so great after that. How can you gloat over your rabbit (even if it is a rabbit shared by you and your girlfriend), when your ex comes back with "That's a nice rabbit. I'm pregnant."? I really know how to make somebody elses news seem totally banal and insignificant. What a great skill to have.


It's snowing again!! It's been snowing on and off all day, but now it's REALLY snowing. This makes me happy, in a cold kind of way. I'm even more happy because it's sticking...snowmen later!! Yay!

Yeah yeah, I know I'm too old for snowmen. But bugger off, I like them and if there is enough snow somebody will have to make one with me.


I cleaned the kitchen floor earlier today. When it had dried and I let the cats back into the kitchen, Carrott went insane. He loves the smell of bleach. He loves it so much.

He spent a good half an hour rolling about on the kitchen floor, rubbing himself into the smell and having little cat orgasms. If it wouldn't be dangerous and cruel I'd consider giving him a treat - sticking a pole up his ass and using him as a mop...he'd probably love it.

Weird animal.


Thank God for that. We've all been under a bit of pressure recently and have consequently been snapping at each other. The woman who I had a mini argument with the other day came round this afternoon...we had a chat, there were some tears followed by a hug, and now everything is fine.

I feel so much better for this. It doesn't take much to make me happy, and usually a hug will do the trick.

Actually, is it weird that I really really enjoy physical contact with everybody? Well, people who I know anyway - I don't just touch strangers on the street. But anyway, yes. It makes me feel kind of happy and having some sort of a connection with another person. How odd. How sad. Again - I just qualified for my pink cardigan and alice band...I'm hoping that when I see Lou later she will slap this ridiculous 'sound of music' type mood away. I'm getting all "I'd like to teach the world to sing", conjuring up images in my head of everybody holding hands and smiling in a blessed kind of way, which is just worrying.

I'll stop it now before I catch myself preaching on street corners. Would you like a leaflet?


Snowing bigly. Huge great flakes of snow. And the sun is shining weakly through the clouds, which makes the whole scene very very pretty.


Last brief bit of news - Alex played with Heather last night! For a few days now I've noticed that when she sticks her foot out I can tickle it to get her to put it back in. Also, she doesn't like it if I put something cold on my belly or if I press; she tries to kick whatever's there away. So when Alex came in from work last night with cold hands, I got him to have a play...and as expected, she kept kicking him in a "GET THAT COLD HAND OFF MY FEET" kind of way. He then had a go at pressing and she did some steady pushing back against him, trying to make him get off.

Alex thinks we're asking for trouble, provoking the child before she's born. I think it's just cute. I also think that Alex secretly thinks it's cute too.

Sorry this is such a rushed and crappy brain feels a bit fried and I can't get it together enough to write properly. Hopefully it will all be better tomorrow. Or maybe I might just shut the hell up for a day or two and actually do something productive for once. Yes. And maybe I'll stop eating creme eggs. Hmm.

Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker


give Kate-Lee more *HUGS*Get hugs of your own

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